It was Archbishop Desmind Tutu who famously said "I am puzzled which Bible people are reading when they say that religion and politics don't mix. "
In his autobiograhpy Ghandi expressed a similar sentiment: "Those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means."
As we approach an Assembly election in our beloved Northern Ireland do we have the courage of our convictions? Can we look at the issues presented by the candidates from a faith perspective? Is there such a thing as voting "Christianly"?
Christians are not confined to one political party and Christians will not all vote exactly the same. Thank God! But the least we can do is look at the issues and attempt to think through them with the mind of Christ. I am not for one moment suggesting this will be easy. However, as citizens of the Kingdom we should be ready to be distinctive; ready to stand out form the crowd; ready to sing a different tune - if it is the song of the kingdom!
I am not asking you to vote like me - but I am asking you to treat this opportunity solemnly; to treat this as an opportunity for discipleship, not tribalism.
Pray for our politicians and equip yourself to make good choices. Take a look at the "AskNI17" video on our website (go to "Media") and check out what parties and candidates are saying about matters that are important to followers of Christ by visiting the freshly launched website "".