Boys' Brigade

Boys' Brigade
ANCHOR BOYS – Boys’ Brigade
This is the youngest section of the Boys Brigade for boys aged 5-8 years.
We meet on a Tuesday night from 5.30pm-7.00pm (September- April).
The lively programme provides a wide variety of activities including crafts, music, games, sports, stories and working towards badges. The relationships formed at this age are important in helping the boys achieve a healthy sense of personal and group identity and belonging. We just love having the boys with us as they develop skills.
Contact: Margaret Connor
JUNIOR SECTION – Boys’ Brigade
This is the next stage in B.B. for boys aged 8-11 years.
We meet each Tuesday 7.00-8.30pm.
A lively programme is designed to engage the interest and tap in to the energy of this large group of enthusiastic boys. As well as the weekly programme we have a record of participation and achievement in local and national competitions and events. There is much for the boys to enjoy as they are stretched and developed in body, mind and spirit.
Contact: Philip Ross
We meet on Fridays 7.00pm-10.00pm and provide a programme for boys and young men 11-18yrs.
Although the programme is often caricatured as football, P.E. and drill there is so much more to the Boys’ Brigade in the 21st century. Through a series of projects and challenges the needs of these crucial developmental years are addressed. As well as the planned activities much of the important growing is done in the unplanned and more informal moments when character is built and foundations are laid for the future. Throughout all that is undertaken there will be openings to explore and understand faith – sometimes in theory but always geared towards personal understandings, action and commitment.
Contact: Wesley Magill