
“We are here to worship God, build up His church, and share His love.”
As one of the oldest Presbyterian congregations in Ireland we value the tradition of Gospel service to our community passed on to us. Our forebears responded faithfully and imaginatively to the challenges of their generation, and we strive to emulate their example.
We are a congregation whose confidence comes from an established history and a present dependence on the inspiration and vision of the Holy Spirit. We fully realise that we dishonour our past and jeopardise our present and future if we attempt to survive on the spiritual and material capital of previous generations.
Therefore we constantly and humbly seek to respond to God’s call and direction for us.
Through our Congregational Mission Plan we try to keep focused on the essentials. Over the last five years we have found this to be a stimulating and challenging process. We are now embarking on a new phase of assessing and updating our mission plan.
As a congregation in the Reformed tradition we seek to affirm the authenticity, relevance and challenge of God’s Word for our community and world. Realising our own shortcomings, in our worship and weekly programme we celebrate the diversity God has given His people.
The central feature of our congregational life is the worship on Sunday to which everyone is welcome. That is why we are here!