First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church



Throughout June the theme of our morning services - "Growing in Fruitfulness" - is concentrating on John 15. Starting on 11th June our evening services in Room 4 at 7pm are entitled "Fruitful Conversations". This is a valuable opportunity to share and discover together more of what God's intention is for His people. The series begins by looking at what fruitfulness looks like in a congregation such as First Larne which is seeking to fulfil a calling to be salt and light to East Antrim in 2017 and beyond.

  • How might we develop eyes to see what God is growing among us AND what further fruitfulness might look like in our congregation? Here are some ideas to prayerfully consider:


  • Read and listen to God’s Word – not just in our personal devotions – but together listening for God.


  • Begin to ask each other the question “What is God doing among us?”


  • Find out more about some church activity/organisation in which you do not normally participate.


  • Be generous and gentle in looking for fruitfulness, it often ripens slowly.


  • Recognise that fruitfulness often comes and goes in seasons – be honest about what seems to have been barren for some time and may need to be reshaped or cut off by pruning.


  • Pray expectantly that God will help us hear His voice as we pursue His way together into the next season of our life and witness.


This conversation about frutifulness is crucial to the life and future of First Larne, and is designed for those whose passion is for the Kingdom to grow!