This Sunday @ FIRST - 15th April 2018
This Sunday @ FIRST - 15th April 2018

What does the Church - at First Larne and elswhere - have to offer? Come along to both services to find out!
11am "WHAT CHRISTIANS BELIEVE - in 90 seconds!"
Yes! We have accepted the challenge to set out what is at the core of our faith in 90 seconds. Don't believe it? Well come along and find out more.
We shall be celebrating the sacrament of infant baptism and therefore are especially looking forward to welcoming the family and friends of Holly Annie McPherson to our service. You are also very welcome as we celebrate the love of God which is "For FREE, for EVER, for SHARING..."
7pm "Do you know Gillian and Julia?" I don't - but you may. They are two regular members of a PCI congregation who, in a short video clip, share something of their experience of being an ordinary disciple in ordinary ways.
The evenng will be based on the theme of week 7 of "ESSENTIALS", the PCI resource which our small groups have been using since September.
22nd 11am "We All Stand Together" - a celebration of the mission of PCI we support at home and abroad through our United Appeal for Mission
7pm A Voice from Enniskillen "To hell in a handcart!" Is this our world? What are we going to do about it?
29th 11am ALL-IN SERVICE - with an insight in to this year's Youth & Children's Project "What is Church?"
After the service join us for a burger before heading home!7pm A Voice from the north - a Lancashire Irishmen speaks and throws! Curious? Find out more.