SUNDAY SERVICES - 10th June 2018
SUNDAY SERVICES - 10th June 2018
11am "You Don't Have to Walk Alone" 2 Timothy 4 v.1-18
We are delighted to welcome as our preacher the Rev. Maynard Cathcart who is our new Pastoral Associate in First Larne.
7pm "Crossing the Line" Philippians 2 v.1-11
An evening reflection on what following Jesus in Larne can really look like.
After the evening service in room there will be an opportunity to watch a short presentation about Oberammergau 2020 for those who might contemplate a visit or simply want to find out a little more of what it is. The passion play is the faithful keeping of a 386 year old promise and is set among the beautiful lakes and majestic mountains of Austria.