Worship God - Build His Kingdom - Share His Love

Worship God - Build His Kingdom - Share His Love
We strive to bring together the diversity of God’s people in an authentic worship experience which provides opportunity for celebration, reflection and engagement with God’s Word. In a bright, well-equipped meeting house we unashamedly embrace a variety of worship styles. This should provide inspiration, comfort and challenge in praise and in proclamation.
We aim to equip members for vibrant discipleship throughout every aspect of their week – wherever that should take them.
We have been developing more widespread involvement in leading worship. As well as a core group of readers we invite others, as appropriate, to read scripture and lead in prayer. We also value the parts played by stewards, collectors and others performing functions necessary to reflect the welcoming nature of a congregation made up of different kinds of people.
As the central activity of our congregation is our services of worship it is through a comprehensive teaching and preaching programme that the central tenets of the Gospel and the consequent requirements of discipleship are given focus. The pulpit ministry seeks to inspire members to constantly consider their role in the life and witness of the church at home and overseas. There is also a meaningful focus on being agents of transformation within our community. This should be expressed in regular prayer support and practical involvement with a range of ministries and missions.
In recent years we have given strategic focus to connecting with children, young people and their families. Our “Promiseland” programme provides a balanced programme for children which keeps their parents and guardians involved in the teaching and learning. Some exciting connections have been established and consolidated which have resulted in meaningful family engagement with our worshipping community.
Likewise, in our Bible Class and Youth Fellowship, our leaders are developing discipling relationships with young people who are increasingly visible amongst us as a worshipping and learning community.
The Small Group ministry is enabling learning and exploration of calling to take place. This operates at different times throughout the week – in homes and on the church premises – and is increasingly drawing in a wide range of ages and backgrounds.
We have many members who make their faith relevant in the congregation, community and beyond in ways too numerous to cite. However in recent years we have taken a lead role in facilitating Christian witness in our town through ministries such as the Child Contact Centre, Nightlight, Foodbank. We are very active in cultivating a very visible Christian response to a variety of community needs e.g. GriefShare, debt counselling, Christianity Explored etc. etc. This is very much part of real mission.
We fully recognise that is in the regular expression of our faith and in welcoming, engaging and relevant worship that we witness more powerfully. In “20/20 Vision” we also recognise that Jesus’ Commission is to go out into the world rather than wait for the world to come in to us!
Our witness over the years has certainly established our credentials as a congregation with a real concern for our neighbours. In the next phase of “20/20 Vision” we hope to consolidate that goodwill. We are convinced that effective mission springs from authentic lives lived out in the midst of our community.
From beginning to end our Congregational Mission Plan (“20/20 Vision”) is shot through with evangelistic intent. We are up for the big challenge of showing we care for our neighbours and our world in the name of Jesus!