First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church



Let me commend this to you if you want to do some thinking about how you use Facebook - or how Facebook is usuing you.

Read some topical comment from our friends in the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity:

A Spring in Our Step? | Connecting with Culture


If you have yet to see this Oscar-winning film you may wish to delay reading this fascinating blog. However, it may also enhance your appreciation of the plot. YOUR CHOICE!

I pass on for your consideration this article which asks searching questions about technological progress (including the promise of what robots can do) and what actually happens.

I just love what those people at the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity have to say! This review of Hugh Jackman's latest film "The Greatest Showman" is full of such intriquing insights. Read it and see if I am wrong!!!


For all those believers who are Star Wars aficionadoes here's an interesting comment from Mark Greene (Londion Institute of Contemporary Christianity) which caught my eye:

In a Galaxy Near, Near to You…

If you are a member of First Larne or have been at a school assembly I have taken in the last few weeks you will know that in the Gospel accounts of the nativty there is no donkey actually mentioned nor does it specify the number of wise men/kings/magi!

South Sudan hunger crisis set to intensify in 2018, warns Christian Aid, as conflict enters fifth year

Does such exist? Jo Swinney (editor of the Bible Society's "Lyfe Journal") makes a compelling case that we should have an opinion AND that it should affect not only how we package presents but how we expect our food to be presented to us.

I admit I have a problem with that most recent import from the States - Black Friday. It is not just the bombardment with advertisements and offers and the sense that I am being taken for a sucker. If I understand the concept correctly, Black Friday is inextricably linked with Thanksgiving.
