This Sunday's services give us an opportunity to explore and celebrate what it means for each of us to be a witness on a global stage - in challenging and complex world.
After the morning service Promiseland invite everyone to have a burger. Led principally by our childen and young people we address the crucial question posed by this year's PCI Youth & Family Project "What is Church". Here's a clue - it is not just bricks!
At our services on Sunday 6th May 2018 we shall be celebrarting and giving thanks for the 40 years we have been worshipping and gathering in the earliest stages of our present complex.
11am This Sunday morning - 22nd April - we celebrate what has been, what is and what will be achieved through our partnership in United Appeal for Mission. "Together Getting Things Done!"
Saturday 14th April is the big day when two members of First Larne will join several others in a sponsored abseil from the historic heights of Belfast Castle. We wish the Rev. McClure and Michael Bailie (Editor, Bridge News) well as they take in the views over Belfast Lough!